Jul 30, 2021 | Food Security, Media Coverage, St. James Town
Founder Josephine Grey talked to the Toronto Star about the co-op operating outdoors since the end of June. Read it here:...
Apr 30, 2021 | Food Security, Media, Media Coverage, St. James Town
On April 29, 2021, Josephine Grey, Co-founder of the Co-op, joined MP Marci Ien, MPP Suze Morrison, and City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam in a press conference to discuss the crisis in St. James Town. All three levels of elected officials spoke in support of the St....
Feb 17, 2021 | Media, Media Coverage
We were joined by Nick Purdon and Leonardo Palleja from CBC’s The National during last week’s food distribution, to share the program and introduce them to some community members. They developed an incredible segment, which aired live on CBC The National,...
Dec 25, 2020 | Media, Media Coverage
Larry Wong, the Chair of the Board at the St. James Town Community Coop talking about our Emergency Food Relief project in St. James Town and ways to support families and individuals in need on CBC News. Find out more details about our Emergency Food Relief program on...