The OASIS Good Food Club

The OASIS Good Food Club is growing!

We’re expanding operations to serve more members

Check out our new offer below

About The OASIS Good Food Club on OFN:

The shop is open to both Co-op members and non-members, however members enjoy the benefit of deeper discounts. Our Shop is open weekly from Wednesdays to Sundays.  If the Shop is open, you can place your order. No minimum purchase required!

OFN Canada is part of a global network for local products, supporting ethical local food and farming systems around the world. It’s an open source (non-proprietary) online marketplace that uses technology to contribute to a more sustainable future by helping small scale ecological farms and local community food initiatives to collaborate at scale.

OFN’s mission is to help communities build local food and farming systems that are resilient, sustainable, and fair by connecting and empowering everyone who makes, grows, sells, and buys local products, bringing people together across Canada and the world who are working towards change.

  • Increase the flow of healthy and culturally relevant food in the St. James Town community.
  • Use the power of bulk-purchasing to offer you food items at lower prices (compared to regularly priced items from the grocery store).
  • Grow our relationships with suppliers and producers (some seasonal, some year- round) while being transparent in our pricing and fee structure.

To become a Co-op member (and be able to access all of the benefits of membership), please visit our Member Sign Up page or email us at

To renew your membership, please do so here.

Membership is a $5 annual fee.

If this is your first time ordering from the OASIS Good Food Club, please sign up for an account in the log-in section before placing your order:

Log in to or create your Open Food Network account at the top of the page (if you’re new, click Login and go to the “sign up” tab to make an account with the Open Food Network). For questions about the OASIS Good Food Club, email

Click HERE learn more about our exciting collaboration with OFN and Colleaga in a pilot project made possible by North Pine Foundation funding!

Become a Member or Donate!
