Volunteer With the COOP

Volunteer with us!

Interested in supporting our work hands-on? Check out the in-person and online volunteer opportunities below and follow the instructions for each opportunity – if you are interested in opportunities or have specific skills not listed, email us at communications@stjamestowncoop.org

We prioritize St. James Town residents in our volunteer opportunities, but encourage non-St. James Town residents to get involved as well.

Looking for other ways to get involved? Consider donating, contributing to our resource wish list, or becoming a member!

In-Person Volunteering

On deliveries, teams of 3 volunteers will take 1 trolly and 1-2 wagons with the filled boxes to the lobby or front door of apartment buildings. Residents will be asked to meet you in the lobby in advance, but in some cases will require door deliveries. This activity is mostly outdoor and distanced, but requires some indoor work when required to deliver boxes to doors, and will require some contact. To deliver with us please email us at sjtbulkfood@gmail.com

Food packing volunteers may help prepare the meals or our bulk food buying club orders. Food packing can include packaging individual dry goods into smaller sized bags or organizing food into the food boxes.


Food Packing – To apply for food packing please email us at sjtbulkfood@gmail.com

Please note food packing shifts are not currently available, we will update shifts on TimeCounts as they arise.

Help out in the co-op?s community garden by joining garden work days and gaining new skills!

    Tasks could include:

  • mulching
  • planting
  • pathway maintenance
  • and harvesting

If you are interested in joining us, please send an email to volunteers@sjtcommunitycoop.org with the subject ?Garden Volunteering? to learn more.

Other Volunteering Opportunities


In this role, you will be matched with a small group (2-6 people) of the St. James Town community who do not have email to inform them of events and opportunities. This role includes making weekly phone calls to these residents and will require phone and internet access.?

Due to the language diversity of St James Town, additional language skills are an asset but by no means required. COVID-19 has been incredibly isolating for many, and as an e-Buddy you will play a dual role in updating “buddies” as well as being a friend to check in with them each week.

To become an e-buddy, please send an email to communications@stjamestowncoop.org

Help share our stories and keep our community in the loop by creating and sharing social media and newsletter content

Follow us!

To get involved with social media, send us an email at communications@stjamestowncoop.org

Do you have skills and knowledge to share? Whether it’s about food growing, processing, or cooking, the climate crisis, sustainability, or mental health and coping mechanisms, help us create educational content for our community members.

Educational content might include videos, social media posts, or blog posts.

To get involved with educational content, email us at communications@stjamestowncoop.org


Submit to our community newsletter!

Contributions can include:

  • Recipes
  • Photos
  • Kids Corner Activities
  • Native Ontario Plant Identification
  • Interviews & Community spotlight
  • Sponsors: place an ad in our newsletter for a small fee or help us by finding a local sponsor who would like to.

To get involved with the community newsletter, send us an email at communications@stjamestowncoop.org

      Contribute to our Community Cookbook (especially with healthy, emergency meals!)


  • Create recipes (based on good food buying club inventory, garden crops)
  • Gather recipes from the community
  • Format recipes for online distribution
  • Food Preservation
  • Research sustainable methods of food preservation
  • Help to preserve produce from the bulk food buying club and the garden for long term food storage through solar dehydration, cellaring, lacto-fermentation, canning.


  • Prepare meals from the recipe bank using available foods for education and community events (fermented foods, sprouts, foraged foods, dehydrated etc.)

To get involved in nutrition, send us an email at communications@stjamestowncoop.org

Interested in contributing in other ways?

Email us at communications@sjtcommunitycoop.org and let us know how you would like to contribute!

Become a Member or Donate!
