Goal: secure funding for future programming Identify grant applications to which the co-op can apply Strategize grant applications with Committee, Boa...
Goal: Secure space for the OASIS Food Hub Continue the fight for space in St. James Town including within the City Process and Private Developer strea...
Goal: Maintain co-op finances *Chaired by the Treasurer of the Board *Director and Co-Chairs shall sit in the committee as ex-officio members Review t...
Goal: Ensure staff personnel policies are upheld Participate in co-op hiring process, meet with new staff Support managers in personnel decisions Supp...
Goal: Increase membership of the Co-op, promote co-op Promote the Co-op to St. James Town residents (and friends of the neighbourhood) Create informat...
Goal: Operate the community garden at 56 Rose Ave Attend garden planning meetings Attend garden workdays, including helping with prep, planting, water...