Community Spotlight: Flavours From Our Neighbours

by | Aug 17, 2020 | Blog & News | 0 comments

The St. James Town Catering Collective’s Response to the COVID-19 pandemic


Flavours From Our Neighbours is a full-flavoured catering collective that is deeply rooted within the St. James Town community. Not only does the initiative help to feed the neighbourhood and generate income opportunities for residents, it also provides a strong social network for women who have recently immigrated to Canada. The collective began just over a year ago with 10 members from diverse backgrounds and now employs 25 women to create dishes from around the world!

Deeksha Gupta, a resident, community leader, and coordinator of Flavours From Our Neighbours shared the collective’s response to the pandemic. Members have been volunteering their time to provide meals to the most vulnerable population in the community, supporting seniors and immunocompromised residents who could not leave their homes. Starting with 10 meal boxes per day, volunteers are now providing over 50 boxes, 4 days a week to residents!

